The Arctic This Week: 29 September - 5 October 2012

A young (possibly one year old) polar bear cub becomes fascinated 
with a small spherical device (a reference ball) used by scientists 
working on sea ice. The cub and its mother stopped science work 
prematurely when they came by the ship which was moored to an 
ice floe. While the researchers watched from the safety of the ship, 
the cub proceeded to play with the ball on a stick. Taken in the Fram 
Strait as part of a research expedition aboard the Greenpeace 
icebreaker Arctic Sunrise. Used here by permission © Nick Cobbing 
By Tom Fries The Arctic This Week – 29 September – 5 October 2012

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Thanks for joining us this week! We take the time to find the most interesting stories, the best writing and the threads that tie it all together. If you like what you read, please share it with others. You are always welcome to contact the author directly with feedback, comments, or requests for back issues. All opinions and any mistakes are the author’s own.

Please note that this and the next few weeks’ issues will be a little bit shorter than usual while the author travels for work.


If you’re pressed for time, these articles – none of them short, I’m sorry to say – will give you the best storytelling and the most interesting information that’s available this week. Enjoy.

You must read an article that I somehow missed altogether last week from Ed Struzik in the Vancouver Sun – it’s a long, discursive, entertainingly-written narrative aboard a tiny boat. And you must look at Clare Kines’s beautiful photo of the CCGS Louis S St Laurent at rest at night in Arctic Bay. Then you’ll want to play with Arctic Portal’s awesome new online map of the Arctic, which allows you to layer all kinds of information as you like, as well as a prettier (if less informative) map from the Simons Foundation that helps one visualize Arctic security issues.

Much of the best writing this week focused on the costs and benefits of exploiting various Arctic resources. This included an excellent article from Alaska Business Magazine (by Scott Goldsmith) covering what hydrocarbons have meant, and might mean in the future, for Alaska’s economy. Follow that with the first truly outstanding article I’ve read from the Winnipeg Free Press (Gerald Flood), which takes a thoughtful look at the community of Rankin Inlet as it prepares for the Meliadine gold mine.

Living resources were also the subject of intense scrutiny this week, as the reliably excellent Anthony Speca in Northern Public Affairs dissected the numerous unintended consequences that seal-product bans can have for Northern communities around the Circle. After you’ve read Mr Speca’s piece, look at an article from Margaret Baumann in the Cordova Times suggesting that population-based Community Development Quotas for fisheries in Alaska’s small coastal communities could simply crush fishing in the smallest villages out of existence altogether. These decisions are always more complicated than they look. These issues and others are touched upon in a quality piece from the Yale E360 blog (also by Ed Struzik, I notice) that looks more broadly at the myriad critical ways in which lives are changing in Arctic communities.

For a good chuckle, enjoy Tristin Hopper’s excellent writing in his merciless take-down of the owner of the Fortrus, whose ridiculous escapades with fireworks, ski-doos and muskox in Cambridge Bay have drawn broad and well-earned opprobrium (National Post).



The crippling of the INS Vikramaditya, a boondoggle that seems to have left neither Russia nor the India very happy, was briefly blamed on Chinese insulating bricks used for the ship’s boilers. Then the Chinese pointed out that they’ve never exported bricks like that to Russia in the first place (Naval Today, Maritime Executive). Then someone else blamed it on India’s refusal to use asbestos as insulation in the first place. Whomever the fault might belong to, it certainly can’t be Russia. 

It wasn’t just the Vikramaditya, either; social media rumors – for whatever they’re worth – would suggest that the cruiser Pyotr Veliky had a small leak from its nuclear reactor’s cooling circuit (BO). No mention of this in the report of the cruiser’s homecoming from Naval Today.

While India’s new toy waits, and waits, and waits for deployment, Russia for her own purposes is hard at work on one of two giant new icebreakers, the keel-laying ceremony for which will take place on 10 Oct ( The propulsion and electrical systems for the boat will be provided by ASEA Brown Boveri, a Swiss company (Ship & Bunker). Mother Russia is also diligently at work expanding her Arctic capabilities with two new Mistral-class helicopter carriers (BO), as well as the submarines Alexander Nevsky and Yuri Dolgoruky, the latter of which is about to be handed over for real use to the military (ITAR-TASS) and the former of which is back at Severodvinsk awaiting its next round of sea trials (ITAR-TASS). The military base of Gadzhievo near Murmansk will be the base “home” for the Yuri Dolgoruky and the Yasen-class Severodvinsk, and the base is getting ready to receive its new guests (BO). 

The Gulf of the Ob has been swept “clean” of mines, apparently, as the ships assigned to the task have returned to their home bases (Naval Today), and a practice flight over the Arctic and Pacific has ended without incident for two long-range Tupolev-95s (VOR). Meanwhile Russia may be considering running a couple of subcritical nuclear tests on Novaya Zemlya to assess the state of its nuclear weapons (BO), and a military reorganization means that many officers in the Northern Fleet will be looking at pink slips come 1 January 2013 (BO).

[North America]

The US is doing what it can to work towards a functional search-and-rescue partnership with European nations at several different levels (EUCOM), and working with Russia as well to combat illegal fishing and improve cooperation in the Bering Sea and the Pacific (ITAR-TASS). 

Last year’s dramatic and tragic rescue of two hunters from Igloolik brought the crew of a Canadian search-and-rescue helicopter an award (Aviation News). The CCGS Pierre Radisson has returned with, thankfully, less drama under its belt to its home port of Québec City (Marketwire). A shipyard in St Catharine’s, ONT has meanwhile won the contract to do repair work on the CCGS Amundsen (Fisheries & Oceans Canada). An aviation detachment from Los Angeles got to accompany the US Coast Guard Cutter Bertholf on its work in Operation Arctic Shield (

Lastly, the semi-new commander of Canada’s Land Force Western Area, Brigadier General Christian Juneau, took some time to chat with Canadian TV about Canada’s land forces’ role in the Arctic (TV Edmonton).


[General chatter]

The Telegraph offered an article looking generally at oil companies’ current optimistic/pessimistic views of Arctic resources, while New Scientist and the Guardian published editorials suggesting, to one degree or another, that industrial activity in the Arctic needs to slam on the brakes until (and if ever) there are better systems in place to understand and protect regional ecosystems. The Department of the Interior also suggested that a drilling time-out might be needed as technology catches up to corporate ambitions (The Hill). On the other side of things, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an editorial expressing the view that US energy security needs mean that we should make use of all available resources, including the Arctic. If you prefer your news via video, Voice of America tries to capture the landscape in 3.5 minutes.


A great deal of development of Russia’s gas resources in eastern Siberia could depend on Chinese investment and reliable purchase agreements, and Gazprom’s/Putin’s stubbornness in negotiating with the Chinese could be a big strategic error, says Matt Hulbert in Forbes. Meanwhile the country’s oil production looks likely to be static through 2020 (Reuters). Russia is looking outward, though, as Lukoil finds ways to take part in exploration on the Norwegian continental shelf (AB) and the government considers letting foreign companies own majority shares in Arctic oil licenses (FT). This might well heat up the competition for Gazprom and Rosneft in a way that neither company would welcome (Oil & Gas Eurasia). 

Elsewhere in Russia, Gazflot is looking to build a new supply base on the western shore of Kola Bay to service Prirazlomnoye and Dolginskoye (BO), which must be welcome news to Marina Kovtun, who also has on her plate the challenge of how to fuel Murmansk, now that it’s clear Shtokman gas won’t be coming through town anytime soon (BN). The Yamal LNG project may provide economic steroids not just for the oil and gas industry but for shipbuilders as well, as a tender was issued for a dedicated fleet of icebreaking LNG carriers to serve the project ( Company Stroitransgaz is also a beneficiary of Arctic investment, as it prepares to take on a ca. $1bn contract to build an Arctic oil terminal for Gazprom’s Novoportskoye field (Bloomberg).


Statoil announced that it doesn’t see the available local resource base as adequate to warrant construction of a new facility at Snøhvit (Reuters, BO), which could mean that the company is more likely now to back a pipeline plan. Meanwhile services company Seadrill - run by former-Norwegian-but-current-Cypriot John Fredriksen, who also owns the world’s largest fleet of oil tankers (AB) - appears ready to hike up its skirts and stalk proudly out of Stavanger, relocating its headquarters (AB) to London, Dubai, Singapore, Houston or somewhere else warmer. The decision seems to be related at least in part to a “tax-related raid on its premises in the Norwegian oil capital” (AB). The last big news item appears to be that Eni’s Salina well in the Barents has yielded gas, rather than the hoped-for oil, and that it doesn’t look commercially feasible (BO, AB).

Briefly in other news of Statoil, the company has extended contracts worth $1.6bn for rigs to work on the Norwegian continental shelf (AB, Platts), and it’s showing no interested in stepping back from work in the Arctic, though its colleagues appear less certain of themselves (FT). Petroleum News, however, suggests that its ambitions for the American Arctic in particular will depend largely on how things work out for Shell. 

[North America]

An excellent and enlightening article from Alaska Business Magazine will tell you a lot about what hydrocarbons have meant, and might mean in the future, for Alaska’s economy. The completion of the Iñupiat whaling season and the start of drilling at Shell’s Sivulliq site in the Beaufort generated headlines (Platts, ADN, KTUU), with everyone pointing out that this is the first time in a long time that two rigs have been operating simultaneously off of Alaska’s coast. The Iñupiat community of Wainwright, Alaska is apparently of mixed minds on the likelihood that nearby drilling activity will benefit them (ICTMN). 

Getting North Slope oil liquefied and shipped to Asian markets may require investments of $65bn or more in piping and processing infrastructure in Alaska (, FNM). Would TransCanada seek additional state subsidization for the project under the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act if it were to move forward? The company says “no” at this point (FNM). Next door, the concept of a pipeline through the Northwest Territories seems to be more and more of a political “go” and less of a side thought (Edmonton Sun).

[Miscellaneous other tidbits]

Shell lost a lawsuit intended to prevent Greenpeace from getting too close to its facilities (Canadian Business). The Golden Valley Electric Association in Alaska has agreed to make some serious upgrades to a dormant clean-coal power plant, and it expects to restart production in the next couple of years (FNM). Nunavut Resources Corp – Inuit-owned and intended to invest in extractive industries – has not had a good year for generating investment from third parties (NN). The development of a native oil and gas industry in the Faroes might help stem the exodus of people from the islands (AB).


It’s not Arctic, but an article from the Atlantic looking at new/old research on the relationship between one-industry, mining-focused cities and long-term growth is really enlightening, and makes an important point for a lot of northern communities to keep in mind. Start with mining if you need to, but be wary of long-term dependence on a single industry.


The Mary River project might not be getting off on the best possible foot, with news that a site inspection shows previous complaints have not been dealt with (NN). Also, the Qikiqtani Inuit Association is conducting a review of the Nunavut Impact Review Board’s 184 terms and conditions for the project (NN). (Side note: look at the photo – how old are Mr Fortier and Mr Williamson-Bathory?) Meanwhile, president of QIA Okalik Eegeesiak is still doing her best to parry accusations (or just concerns) that her London-Olympic trip on Baffinland’s nickel might have somehow clouded her judgment and negotiating skills (NN). No sooner has Mary River moved to the next stop on its particular train ride than the Minerals and Mining Group is working away to get its proposed zinc and copper (Izok Corridor) mine into the public consciousness in Cambridge Bay (NN). A proposed uranium dig from Uravan Minerals, however, has suffered its coup de grace, and won’t be going any farther (NN). Next door in Alaska, the absolutely fascinating Pebble Mine debate took a strange turn this week, as some of the “experts” expected to review baseline data on the ecosystems that could or would be affected by the Pebble Mine project said farewell, in one way or another (ADN). 

In assorted other North American news, a Canadian NGO has asserted that the government fails to adequately enforce regulations on mine cleanup, leaving taxpayers footing eye-popping bills after companies walk away from their projects (CBC). The first truly outstanding article I’ve read from the Winnipeg Free Press looks at the community of Rankin Inlet’s eager anticipation of the Meliadine gold mine. And the Kitikmeot Inuit Association is working on training programs for mining jobs to prepare its residents for the opportunities ahead (NN). 

[Russia & Scandinavia]

In a development that strikes me as surprising, Greenland’s Aqqaluk Lynge seemed to suggest this week that Greenland is pursuing mining projects too aggressively, and that a “Canadian model” would be the better way to go (NN). This was the subject of a recent Polar Research Day conference, which is debriefed tidily and thoughtfully on In a brief interview with the European Council on Foreign Relations, Damien Desgeorges goes over some of China’s surprisingly strong interest in good relations with Greenland and Iceland (ECFR). 

Not much news out of Russia this week, save that Murmansk-based phosphate miner Apatit is now majority-owned by Russian major PhosAgro, with possibly interesting consequences (FT), and that Norilsk Nickel is popping champagne for the first birthday of its Yenisey icebreaking tanker (, badly laid-out). 


[Ice News]

Various commentators continued to pick up on the new low ice extent witnessed a few weeks ago (A tie for best coverage in this round goes to BBC and to Think Progress, and for a well-written opinion piece, go to the Globe & Mail). As recent numbers have been dramatically outside the range of predictions made by existing models, it’s suggested that new models are in order (Climate Central). To get a better bead on how things are and how things might be in the future, scientists from the University of Washington are teaming up with the Coast Guard to deploy research equipment through the ice (U Washington), while NASA’s IceBridge equipment is getting prepared for another round (Twitter @Nasa_Ice). 

[New initiatives]

How exciting to hear that a new subsea-monitoring station near Cambridge Bay sent out its first data stream this week (Vancouver Sun). Also taking its “first steps” is Russia’s ice-floe based North Pole-40 research station (RIAN), while the Avannaa expedition is making progress on its observational journey along Greenland’s coast (Cold United). Elsewhere, Russia’s Solovki Monastery, in the White Sea, is the beneficiary of an ongoing cleanup initiative (BO).


It seems that the mystery disease that’s been making walruses, seals and polar bears ill and giving them bald spots is on its way out, without anyone figuring out what exactly it was in the first place (EOTA). Walruses, however, are in for a tougher and tougher time as the ice floes they’re accustomed to using move further and further out – once they’re past the continental shelf, they’re no longer of use to the huge beasts, which move on to land instead (AD, WWF). Narwhals’ presence in Cambridge Bay is another puzzling change this year – it’s far off of their traditional migration route (CBC). Warmer oceans will also likely mean lower oxygen concentrations and, as a result, smaller fish (AD). That may or may not be an issue for Greenland’s fisheries – scientists are working on learning more about the stocks of Greenland halibut and the Greenland sharks that feed on them (CBC).

Moving on to land, the Internets were unsure what to think of the judgment handed out to scientist Charles Monnett, famous as the drowned-polar-bear guy. If I understand it correctly, it looks like Mr Monnett was acquitted of any particular misrepresentation, but was reprimanded for releasing government documents that he wasn’t supposed to (Nature). Increasing Arctic tourism may be causing meaningful changes in the locations that migratory birds choose to congregate (Arctic Centre, plus a great photo of Sandhill Cranes in Nunavut) Finally, evidence of an unusual dinosaur with Struwwelpeter-like claws has been found in Alaska’s Denali National Park for the first time (FNM). 

[Other Science news]

The U of Alaska Fairbanks is doubtless happy to be playing host to a new Cray supercomputer called “Fish” (Frontier Scientists). The world’s northernmost lake, in Greenland, is showing evidence of the return of diatoms last seen in the lake in substantial numbers 2,400 years ago (New Scientist). A new initiative of Russian, Norwegian and Finnish scientists to develop a common “data language” will help reach agreement on monitoring and maintaining nuclear radiation protection (Barents Observer). An editorial in Alaska Dispatch supports the United States’ new National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska management plan, which has been the subject of some disagreement at a broader level.


[China, and other international issues]

I would enjoy a tête-à-tête with Artur Chilingarov, who puckishly noted recently that “the most active country in the Arctic right now is China” (Vancouver Sun). Chinese interest is also the subject of an article from China Daily, here via Michael Byers’s blog, which seems to hint that the country is interested in a leadership role in exploration and research. China is also the subject of a slightly warmed-over blog in the NY Times.

To see some interviews and read a recap of the meeting of Arctic parliamentarians that took place recently, check out, and to read an enthusiastic piece on the Arctic Council’s future, go to Global Post. In a development I’d never thought of, it seems that international spying related to Arctic concerns is also on the rise (


The icebreaker Rossiya had to go well within Canada’s Arctic EEZ to evacuate its scientists from drifting research station North Pole-39. The fact that this seems to have posed no problems at all is being taken as a sign of good Russian/Canadian relations ( At the regional level, Murmansk and the Norwegian region of Finnmark have settled on a list of cooperation priorities for the years ahead, including infrastructure and social issues (BN).


The EU had its fingers well and truly dug into the Arctic pie this week, with EC Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Maria Damanaki pointing out at the Arctic Futures conference in Brussels that the EU can be a positive economic and research support for Arctic nations and communities, as well as sharing an interest in the economic opportunities that exist (NN). The EP Environmental Committee’s choice to ask for a moratorium on Arctic offshore oil & gas drilling, however, drew eye-rolls from Norway, which pointed out in several ways that no EU country has continental shelf in the Arctic (BO, Oil & Gas Eurasia). 

Ongoing tension between the EU, Canada, and Norway over the former’s ban on imported seal products will probably eventually be worked out via the WTO, but it seems like the EU is getting irritated with the persistent objections to a decision reached democratically (Embassy Magazine). That decision may, though, have numerous unintended consequences for hunting communities in the North (see the reliably excellent Anthony Speca in Northern Public Affairs and a de-brief of a round-table on the impacts of the sealing ban on Greenland’s Inuit communities from February 2012). It would seem that it’s not just the Europeans, either; the CBC reports that “more than 50 Chinese environmental and animal rights groups have sent an open letter to the Canadian Senate asking it to stop exports of seal products to China,” which would be a big blow to Canada’s remaining sealing industry. 

Thematically related is a push by US and Russian groups to meaningfully increase protections for polar bears, which they see as threatened by trade in polar bear items and by the melting ice (Guardian). The US government’s support for the “up-listing” of polar bears is facing strong resistance from Nunavut Tunngavik Inc (NN) and from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami. While that debate roils, residents of Arviat, Nunavut are asking for a higher kill quota because of the bears’ increasing boldness; there, it’s a safety issue (CBC).

[North America]

Canada is getting ready to submit a multi-thousand page document to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in an effort to snag a big chunk of Arctic seabed (OC), while the US is at risk of falling behind its Arctic neighbors in the influence game, says the Global Post. Senator Lisa Murkowski continues to do what she can to ring the alarm bell and make some concrete suggestions for improvements the US could make (ANN, and Senator Murkowski’s letter). At a much more local level, a chatty blog post from the Newfoundland & Labrador Independent makes some interesting comparisons between the success/failure of independent governance structures for Aboriginal communities in Nunavik and in Labrador.



The Norwegian port of Narvik is hoping that Chinese hunger for iron ore from Sweden’s northern mines will be the cause of major growth in traffic through the port in the years to come (BusinessWeek), while in Russia the state’s share of Murmansk’s coal-focused port is up for sale (BN). Gazprom is preparing to send the first LNG vessel through the Northern Sea Route with the assistance of icebreaker 50 Years of Victory (LNG World News), and someone pointed this week to an ice-navigation assistance program called Icemar that looks interesting, but which has not shared any news as far as I can tell since May.


A really interesting article from Alaska Dispatch looks at the established Community Development Quotas in Alaska’s small coastal communities, and points out that simply changing the quotas to match population size in each community could crush fishing in small communities out of existence altogether. The Bering Sea’s Pacific cod season (pot-fishing only, so far) has been very disappointing (Bristol Bay Times), but the autumn season is beginning for all types of gear, with a total allowed catch 10% higher than last year’s (the Fish Site). The systems that exist for monitoring bycatch in Alaska’s waters might not yet be providing the kind of data needed to set up robust bycatch-reduction systems – see some interesting info from Anchorage Daily News – and fish in general might be shrinking and moving further North as ocean waters warm (EOTA). 

On the European side of things, the EU is considering escalating its measures against Iceland’s fisheries for overaggressive mackerel fishing; they might ban Icelandic fishermen from EU ports (IceNews). Iceland argues that the fish are spending more time in their waters as temperatures gradually rise, and data from Norway on cod stocks would seem to support that argument; cod were apparently found farther North than ever before this year (BO, Arctic Portal). An opinion piece in Embassy Magazine seems to have suggested that Canadian Arctic cod stocks are in danger, but it’s behind a pay wall. Perhaps you have a subscription – I don’t.


Plenty of news on legal fights over sealing and polar bear hunting; because of EU involvement, it’s all to be found under “Europe” in the Politics section.

[Other industrial news]

Nunasi Corp, which has interests in businesses in Nunavut, has been unprofitable and hopes to transfer its ownership to three Inuit development corporations, believing that that might lead to a turnaround (NN). Finland’s president is puzzled that, despite an excellent business climate, the country isn’t seeing nearly as much direct investment from abroad as it would like (YLE). Canada’s Up Here Business magazine is launching an award called the “Frozen Globe” to highlight the best-of-the-best businesses in Canada’s three northern territories. A northern Norway Business Safari that welcomed businesspeople from Sweden, Finland and Russia to come across the border and see what’s on offer has concluded (BN). This past week also saw a conference in Kirkenes to look at the Barents Region as a tourism destination (U of Tromsø). A Norwegian producer of rifle stocks and a weapons dealer in Murmansk are happy with a new deal that makes the weapons dealer the official distributor throughout Russia for the Norwegian stocks (BN).


Note: this section is shortened this week. 


Wet weather in Sweden has put potato crops at risk (EOTA). It may seem like a small story, but if weather patterns change meaningfully it could, obviously, have major impacts for northern agriculture. In Canada, the new Nutrition North program is underway, with some changes to what’s subsidized and what isn’t. While it seems to mean cost savings on an ideal “northern food basket,” customers aren’t all sure they’re feeling enough of a benefit (CBC, NN). 

[Other Public Health Issues]

Distribution of public-health resources in Canada’s North is itself apparently an issue. The homeless shelter in Inuvik is severely overtaxed (CBC) while the Kitikmeot Health Center in Cambridge Bay is apparently both “understaffed and underused” (NN). Results of a years-old survey have recently been released; they show a troubling prevalence of sexual abuse and psychological stress in many Northern communities (NN). Some of this may have to do with the rapid changes taking place in many of these communities, as highlighted in an excellent piece from Yale’s E360 blog


For sheer volume of information, Northwest Territories Minister (of Industry, Tourism and Investment) David Ramsay’s speech on the particulars of the NWT’s hoped-for future infrastructure development is worth reading. Also of interest is the news that the airport in Tiksi, Russia was apparently closed without anyone warning passengers that it would be (MT), as well as the word that Arctic Fibre has now taken the next step towards permitting for its planned fiber-optic cable through the Northwest Passage (CBC).


Distance learning programs like the new Tukitaarvik might be needed to help young Inuit in remote communities pursue their post-secondary educational ambitions (University Affairs), but at the University of Stavanger money is rolling in to support industry research in “enhanced oil recovery” (AB). Meanwhile in the Northwest Territories, the infamous residential schools program is part of a new, first-of-its-kind curriculum (Gov’t of the NWT). 


Note: this section is shortened this week. 

Voice of Russia’s review of the outdoor recreation opportunities in the Russian Arctic is great to read, as is a short tale of four Russians and three Ukrainians who sailed aboard the Scorpius around the North Pole’s (remaining) ice cap in a scant sixty days (BO). Yet another lockout in Canadian hockey means the first two weeks of the NHL season have been cancelled (CBC). The Rovaniemi 150 race has a really, really, really complete waiver that’s worth peeking at (Instagram – leepeyton). Snow-kiting (??) is apparently problematic for wild reindeer (IceNews) – no surprise there, though – and elk season has begun in Finland (YLE). 


Note: this section is shortened this week. 

There was a sasquatch sighting in Nunavik this week (NN). / The medical kits of polar explorers included extracts of marijuana, cocaine and opium as well as alcohol (NPR). / What kind of d-bag is the Australian owner of the Fortrus? (National Post) / Always wondered how to build an igloo? Time to learn (National Film Board of Canada). / Jason Echeverri, a man who for reasons unknown attempted to cross from Alaska into Yukon and was turned back, has a world of inadvisable facial tattoos (CBC). / In an awesome crowdsourcing initiative (and I am not a crowdsourcing advocate), the transcription of Arctic weather logs from old voyages back to the 1850s is being entrusted to volunteers ( / A wonderful blog from Heather Exner-Pirot celebrates the philosophical founding (wittingly or unwittingly) of the Arctic region by Mikhail Gorbachev 25 years ago (EOTA). 


Note: this section is shortened this week.

Of the five pictures that most impressed me this week, three come from Clare Kines: (1) a seal having a look-around near the bright-red CCGS Louis S St Laurent; (2) the same ship at rest in Arctic Bay; and (3) an eye-popper of the ship at night. Other nice ones come from Blue Tale (I had no idea what an ermine looked like) and from Janet Little, the last of a calving glacier, captured at a great moment. 


Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN)
Aftenbladet (AB)
Alaska Dispatch (AD)
Alaska Native News (ANN)
Anchorage Daily News (ADN)
Barents Nova (BN)
Barents Observer (BO)
Bristol Bay Times (BBT)
BusinessWeek (BW)
Canadian Mining Journal (CMJ)
Eye on the Arctic (EOTA)
Fairbanks News Miner (FNM)
Financial Times (FT)
Globe and Mail (G&M)
Huffington Post (HP)
Indian Country Today Media Network (ICTMN)
Moscow Times (MT)
Natural Gas Europe (NGE)
New York Times (NYT)
Northern News Service Online (NNSO)
Northern Public Affairs (NPA)
Nunatsiaq News (NN)
Ottawa Citizen (OC)
RIA Novosti (RIAN)
Russia Today (RT)
Voice of Russia (VOR)
Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
Washington Post (WP)
Whitehorse Star (WS)
Winnipeg Free Press (WFP)